September 1st 2016 saw us launch the new site interface. The objective was to ensure content and advertising was more integrated so the site flowed better, and also ensure we had better support for mobile devices. Ensuring less pitfalls for our managers was also a big priority, so we now screen uploaded images to check they are named correctly, inspection times can now be added using an html5 calendar widget, and images are uploaded in sequence now so corrupt files are easier to spot.
Other enhancements include the ability for Brokers to buy more featured listing credits as they need them. PDF brochures can now be generated on-the-fly by managers and these look superb!
We’ve had almost all positive feedback from the new look and traffic stats jumped significantly, in particular the number of pages people were looking at on the site – which is a promising sign. If you haven’t checked out the new site yet, have a look around and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.