Any time you perform any kind of search for Management Rights on TheOnsiteManager, be it for all of a broker’s stock, or all listings in a given suburb, or any other management rights related search for that matter, you can now output a stock list. You will now find a ‘print a stock list of the top 21 results’ link at the top and bottom of each results page.
These neat little documents will show you upto 7 pages of listings in a save-able and print-friendly PDF file. They will give you the IDs of all the listings shown along with photography, broker details, locations, financial data and more. This is really useful for broker’s who want to hand out a print-out of their current stock, or for any user who simply wants a nice neat pdf of listings.
In the coming week we plan to roll this functionality across to similar stock lists for rentals and residential listings as well so all our users can make use of this handy new feature, so stay tuned for more updates shortly. As always, we welcome feedback, bug reports or comments in the comments section below so we can improve on this feature.
Just an update to this… stock lists are now supported for all listing types: MRs, Hospitality, Rentals and Investment Properties…
Enjoy 🙂