For years now, managers have despaired at the huge cost for Premier ads on We all know ( as carefully researched here: ) that upgrade listings acheive a vastly quicker settlement time than standards… and just recently were kind enough to allow us to nominate some of our stubborn sales listings to Premier Plus to see what we thought of it. The manager whose listing was chosen said the difference was, and I quote directly: “night and day”. She’d had a 7-figure apartment stuck on the market for a month with barely a nibble and the owner was about to pull the lot to an outside agent. I believe she had a signed contract within a week after upgrading the ad to a Premier Plus. The trouble, of course, is that a Premier listing for sale can run north of $8k… when our managers predominantly list apartments and units, this sort of marketing spend just isn’t viable.
The solution is Premier Plus! Now, for a brand new ad, you have the option of listing it as a Premier Plus when you first create the ad. It’s only available on new ads, it can’t be applied retrospectively once an ad has been saved so it needs to be a brand spanking new listing, but the cost of a Premier Plus is less than half the price of a Premier! For sales listings, it works out cheaper than a Highlight listing! Not only that, a Premier Plus remains a premier for the entire duration of the campaign, not 30 days like a normal Premier. …and best of all, after 2 weeks, it gets automatically boosted back up to the top of the results!

We have been working with’s highest level executives to make this possible, it’s been years of negotiating to make sure we could deliver a viable solution that worked with our onsite managers, and I’m really excited to offer this new service. It’s live right now! Give it a go, works for both rentals and sales, but they have to be new listings. As always, feedback is welcome!