A Property Manager’s ticket to freedom
HiRUM Software Solutions announces the launch of ‘HiRUM Anywhere’ today, a property management solution which will redefine the accommodation Industry.
‘HiRUM Anywhere’ has been designed to give Property Managers complete freedom, offering them the opportunity to access critical business information whilst on the go. No longer will they be required to have access to a computer or the internet in order to keep an eye on their business.
The benefits of the technology created by HiRUM is that it is ‘Mobile First’ not traditional ‘Cloud’. This allows the software to be accessed even without internet connectivity or power; and is designed specifically for Mobile devices, not adapted for them. Leading to seamless usability not clunky functionality. Imagine how useful this would have been for operators in Far North Queensland with the recent fall-out from Cyclone ’Debbie’.
Offering a solution that allows property managers to work on the go, even when offline, will instantly make life more manageable and offer the flexibility property managers have been desperate for.
Senior Executive Director, Sylvia Johnston, is thrilled with the new solution. “Our new software has been designed to offer complete freedom. It allows you to manage all facets of your business anywhere, anytime, even when you have no internet or power.”
Managing the most critical areas of your business effectively is crucial, and Sylvia knows this is often an ongoing issue for Property Managers worldwide. “Now with HiRUM Anywhere you can be out cleaning the pool, shopping for supplies, or simply popping out for the school run, knowing you have the perfect solution, right in your pocket”
HiRUM are all too familiar with the ongoing internet issues Property Managers are faced with in Australia, with the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman claiming new complaints about poor internet rose by 25.7% in 2016[1].
For many Property Managers in Australia, HiRUM knows that storing information on the cloud is creating more problems than expected. This very issue initiated the aim to create an end-to-end solution, which will ultimately make Property Management more efficient.
However, this is only one part of a problem HiRUM was mindful of. Sylvia says, “Our solution came into being because we listened to our customers’ feedback and genuinely care about their lifestyle. Sure, we make fantastic software solutions which are tech savvy, powerful, robust and well tested: however, for us, all these elements are a given. We’ve gone the extra mile and put the care factor into our solution; giving you more time, more freedom, and less stress, whilst ultimately increasing your profits”.
For further information on HiRUM Anywhere click here