August 2020

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Contributed By: Resort Brokers on

Clearly, the topic dominating conversation at the moment is the coronavirus. Today I’m here to talk to you about the coronavirus and its effect on the permanent management rights market. In short, if any of these events have shown is just how resilient to broader economic events these businesses are. They’re strong cashflow businesses and that cashflow comes from two main sources. Firstly, the letting. This is derived from people’s rent, and rent is one of the first bills people will pay. Especially at the moment where you see many people working from home, this is really extremely important. And that rent isn’t held byRead More →

Contributed By: Mike Phipps Finance on

Isn’t social media wonderful. You get to connect with all your “friends”, share life experiences, buy and sell stuff and if you’re really lucky make interesting discoveries about people and places. Recently I was included in a popular post that’s being shared on one particular platform.  The premise is pretty simple and is designed to make an argument relating to Covid 19 risk management. An image of a bowl of 100 jellybeans is used with a caption suggesting that the aim of the exercise to is show stupid people how dangerous Covid really is. The proposition is that if 2 of the 100 jellybeans wereRead More →