April 2022

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Contributed By: ARAMA on

A frequent issue within Management Rights, and a recurring question that is asked is: How do I stop an outside agent raiding my letting pool for their rent roll? There’s a number of strategies that are very effective for galvanising your complex against attacks from outside agents. This week ARAMA president: Trevor Rawnsley discussed these with Kelly Rigby and Nick Buick – here’s how it went down:Read More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

A recurring theme I encounter from onsite managers is “How can I stop someone stealing listings from my letting pool?”. Well next week TheOnsiteManager and Letts Rebuild are teaming up with ARAMA to deliver a 1 hour webinar and Q&A session with some excellent strategies and advice on this very subject. Make sure you tune in you’ll definitely learn a few things! Register for the Webinar here: https://www.arama.com.au/_events.registration/step1/eventid/13335 – it is free for ARAMA members. We will also be posting the video afterwards here so keep an eye out for that if you miss it. Be sure to post any questions you may have onRead More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

THE Awards 2022 are now confirmed. The venue is booked and paid for, the sponsors are locked in, it’s HAPPENING! WHEN: Friday THE 14th of October 2022 – 7PM till LATEWHERE: THE Warehouse, THE Valley A huge thank you to this years sponsors for making it all possible: HiRUM, Schindler, McAdam Siemon and Phipps Finance. In the coming months you’ll be hearing more from these proud supporters and the great services they offer so please support them and be sure to thank them for making such a fantastic evening possible. We’ve got a great night in store with winner announcements, delicious hot and cold canapesRead More →