November 2021

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Contributed By: Nick Buick on

Nick Buick from will be speaking with Frank Higginson and Vanessa Sciortino from Hynes Legal this week on their weekly webinar. Topics will be the ever-changing Covid landscape and current rental demand. Tune in via the link below – 2PM Thursday the 25th of November!Read More →

“Now is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”Winston Churchill 1942. Churchill is of course famous for many an inspirational quote made all the more magnificent by virtue of the circumstances in which he found himself. I suspect somewhat more uplifting and motivating than the dross found on social media these days. Imagine addressing a population facing the existential threat that emerged in Europe in the late thirties and imploring the population to be the best they can be and to speak their own truth. Gimme a break! But, as always,Read More →