Onsite Managers Unlock Massive Price Reduction on Little Hinges
Contributed By: Nick Buick on
TheOnsiteManager.com.au have just signed a new deal with LittleHinges to unlock MASSIVE savings on photography packages. We can now offer a Virtual Tour, Floor Plan and 8 Still images for *JUST* $220+GST. A huge reduction from the $320+GST that was previously available. Book your virtual tour, floorplan and photoshoot here: https://theonsitemanager.typeform.com/to/fZGAdJ6b I am frequently getting calls from managers telling me they ran a 15 minute open on a 2 bedroom unit and 47 people showed up to inspect it. Cut through the time wasters, and cut down on the number of people showing up at your open homes – with a virtual tour prospects can take theirRead More →