MR Adult Education
Contributed By: Paul Malone RUM Support on
Since retirement, I mentor clients in Set Up & Induction for caretaker/letting assignments.I focus on skills Gaps specific to a specific Community Titles Scheme CTS. I have developed a generic online Knowledge Base: www.rumsupport.com.au. It: draws upon “in the trenches” experience as a service provider; is rich in shared best practice insights/graphics that can inspire, motivate and empower; complements elearning in cloud based business productivity platforms including web design; gives comfort to a CTS committee as to “performance potential”. Group Dynamics:Content is offered under a Creative Commons license.No login is required. Anyone with a personal Gmail account or Google Workspace (formally Gsuite) subscription can access and begin self paced applicationCollaborators can edit/modify contentIndustry wide training interventionRead More →