General Interest (Page 16)

Having grown up as a boy in Melbourne, before coming to the Gold Coast where I have been in our law practice for many, many years, I still have an interest in Melbourne and a curiosity as to how different the Management Rights situation is in both cities. I have realised that on the Gold Coast we freely integrate our tourists with our resident population and celebrate the tourist industry as a great feature, benefiting both residents and tourists alike. We have a very compatible resident and tourist use of our buildings particular because of our form of Management Rights where the on-site Caretaker andRead More →

“Tourism Brokers and MR Sales have merged allowing reciprocal rights to each other.  This means that as a Seller / Buyer you have twice as many people working for you.” MR Sales is QLD based and Qld is the home of management rights. The opportunities to add value from the joint experience to development and the accommodation industry on a national scale are phenomenal. TheOnsiteManager is a powerful service tool and medium to the industry that will assist in the industry expansion MR Sales are in expansion mode and are happy to hear from likeminded individuals that would be interested in joining our team. OnceRead More →

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According to consultancy firm Capgemini and Royal Bank of Scotland, Australia has the 4th highest rate of non-cash payments on earth, increasing by 7 percent per year. According to the RBA, the average surcharge for Visa / Master Card is 1.9% and 2.9% for American Express. The implications of this, for a business operating on a 10% margin, are staggering. They’re essentially sacrificing 20-30% of their profit just to receive payment. For a motel operating on a 30% margin it’s around 10%. These costs are often simply accepted as part of doing business, but it’s only going to get worse from here. Seemingly overnight, tap-and-go services have become ubiquitous and withRead More →

Interested in management rights? A uniquely attractive business and lifestyle choice for Kiwi’s looking to move to sunny Queensland. Come along to one of our information seminars in Auckland, Dunedin and Christchurch to find out more and be eligible to win 2 nights’ free accommodation at Sandcastles Mooloolaba, and a breakfast for 2 at the famous Mooloolaba Surf Club and $500NZD towards flights. The Management Rights for Kiwi’s Partnership is proud to present its second series of seminars on management rights in Queensland. Expert presenters, speaking in plain English, will help you understand management rights. Our speakers are experienced and respected experts in their fields: Michael Kleinschmidt – Legal Practitioner Director,Read More →

As I tentatively looked into the now famous ‘Crystal Ball’ as I do at the beginning of each year, searching for predictions both negative and positive, my personal life came to the forefront of my vision. I started to wonder what I personally considered to be some of the defining moments of my year, more so than what I achieved professionally. Taking a moment to reflect and extract some wisdom from our experiences in 2015 can assist with setting us up for the year to come. So I ask, what do you consider to be some of the defining moments of the year in yourRead More →

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MR Sales are proud to welcome another full time broker with a strong team player attitude to the team. Highly skilled in sales negotiation, problem solving and relationship management, Brad is also experienced in owning and operating management rights in QLD. Brad is well regarded in the industry as a creative thinker, and as someone who gets things moving and gets things done. Following a successful career in corporate marketing and management in Australia and overseas Brad, now a Sunshine Coast local, is a passionate management rights advocate whose mission is to bring buyer and seller together for mutual benefit. Brad’s qualifications include: Licensed Real Estate Agent QLDRead More →

Whether it is routine maintenance, emergency repairs, lease renewals or property vacancies, you will always have the landlord asking you to explain the necessity and costs involved. Property Management over the last decade has become much harder, and time consuming, as legislation has changed and people are taking others to tribunal over the smallest of things. The first lease I prepared was in 1997. It was typed on a typewriter with carbon copies, and there was no such thing as inventories, CMA’s or online bookings. If someone had told me that in 18 years’ time that we would be arranging smoke alarms to be checked for every new lease IRead More →

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If you have even a passing interest in federal politics, you will have seen the furore over Bronwyn Bishop’s recent taxpayer funded chopper flight to a Liberal fundraiser which was only an hour or so away by car. No doubt it was the easiest $5,000 she ever spent at the time. When it came to light there was quite legitimate outrage about the spending, and the sole defence seems to be that it was ‘within guidelines’. Some guidelines they must be. It has since been paid back. And so no one thinks we are singling out the Liberals, if you want to see what happens on the ‘other’Read More →

There’s a lot of development going on right now, particularly in Brisbane. The sheer size and number of new apartment buildings that are coming online is placing some strain on existing managers trying to find tenants to fill vacancies. According to senior economist Dr Andrew Wilson from Domain, increased stock will have a short-term impact on rent in Brisbane while the additional stock is being filled. “Even though we might see some over-supply impact the market, Brisbane will generate an inner-city lifestyle,” Dr Wilson said. “It might happen (over-supply) in the short to medium-term, but the outlook for that type of development in Brisbane isRead More →

We at recently partnered with 1300-Unite to deliver professional tradesmen to onsite managers. Our one-stop-service shop is dedicated to helping Onsite Managers with anything that you need from installing a dishwasher, replacing a carpet, unlocking an apartment, fixing your blinds, pest control, you name it! All our service providers are: licenced, insured, police checked and they’re standing by, in your area, right now! Best of all, our service is lightning fast and incredibly easy to use! You simply type in what you need done in a couple of words, along with your name, address, phone and email, and our system operators will carefully sortRead More →