General Interest (Page 18)

Contributed By: Hynes Legal on

Alan Greenspan (the then Federal Reserve Chairman in the USA) coined the famous phrase ‘irrational exuberance’ in relation to the dot-com bubble of the late 1990’s, but it could apply to any boom since (and before – even back to the tulip boom of the $1600’s.) For mine, if you were to Australianise that phrase it would be along the lines of something being ‘too silly for words’. It is not for a lawyer to talk about risk when it comes to valuations / asset pricing as Greenspan could, but it is certainly within our ambit to talk about legal risk.We think a very interestingRead More →

You may recall last month I mentioned finance myths in the context of 10 year agreements and standard module buildings. In a continuation of the theme here’s the current Top 10 Urban Myths of Management Rights Finance including a recap of last month: 10 year agreements – The banks don’t like them, the banks won’t fund them. That’s nonsense. Certainly some banks pick and choose their lending and tend to avoid certain types of transactions. Having said that we are having no problem funding Standard Module management rights on competitive terms. Granted some smaller buildings can’t carry 70% gearing but that’s not to say they can’tRead More →