Landlords, Tenants, Renting and Management (Page 4)

Information about renting units have just signed a new deal with LittleHinges to unlock MASSIVE savings on photography packages. We can now offer a Virtual Tour, Floor Plan and 8 Still images for *JUST* $220+GST. A huge reduction from the $320+GST that was previously available. Book your virtual tour, floorplan and photoshoot here: I am frequently getting calls from managers telling me they ran a 15 minute open on a 2 bedroom unit and 47 people showed up to inspect it. Cut through the time wasters, and cut down on the number of people showing up at your open homes – with a virtual tour prospects can take theirRead More →

The greatest validation for long term agreements in the business of Management and Letting Rights (MLR) is that the vast majority of resident managers are granted top-ups – that is extensions on the term of their MLR agreements. Why? Because those resident managers make continual improvements to a scheme in a way that off-site managers could never achieve. Owners are happy to give resident managers these top-ups as a reward for their performance. There are great economic benefits to a scheme that has an on-site manager with a long-term agreement, and there are also benefits you cannot put a price on – the services thatRead More →

Contributed By: RTA on

The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) is encouraging Queenslanders to check their pool measures up with safety laws this summer.  As we spend more time in and around the pool this summer, it’s important for tenants and property managers/owners to understand their responsibilities when it comes to pool safety.   Safety standards  Under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (The Act), property owners are required to adhere to laws regarding the health and safety of people using or entering a property. This means being aware of and abiding by pool safety laws and standards under the Building Act 1975 if there is a pool on the property and theRead More →

Contributed By: REIQ on

If you manage a property with a swimming pool or spa in Queensland, you have a responsibility to make sure that the pool fence is compliant with the pool safety standard.  Compliant pool barriers help save lives by restricting young children from accessing swimming pools and spas. Property Managers have a vital role to play in protecting young children who reside in or visit the properties they manage. When inspecting a property with a pool or spa, it can be helpful if you know what to look out for. Make sure: – all climbable objects are at least 900mm away from the barrier on the outside – minimumRead More →

Contributed By: Geoff Ellis - North Queensland Management Rights on

I am pleased to announce the formation of North Queensland Management Rights specifically specialising in the sale and purchase of management rights in North Queensland. The mission is to offer services that are entirely focussed on our region – where the interests of our industry in this region are foremost and tailored to meet the needs of those within and seeking to join the rights industry in North Queensland. The reason for change? As with many things today technology removes any compelling reason why being attached to a larger SEQ based broking business offers any real advantage. And certainly, the cost of doing business isRead More →

Contributed By: Claire Ryan - REIQ on

A national real estate cyber resilience toolkit is the latest initiative from the Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) to strengthen the sector against cyber-attacks. The toolkit, which is currently in development, acts as a guide to clearly explain Australian privacy laws and data security requirements in the context of everyday real estate transactions. The toolkit will provide practical advice for how real estate agents can securely collect and store personal information and how to better safeguard against cyber-attacks and avoid unauthorised personal information disclosures. In addition, the toolkit will provide series of guidelines for internal use and a checklist for real estate agencies toRead More →

Contributed By: Andrew Persijn & Hannah Hewitt - REIQ on

Property managers will no doubt be aware that the second phase of the Stage 1 rental reforms came into effect on 1 October 2022. In this article, we will be examining how the amendments impact the emergency repairs provisions of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (RTRA Act). WHAT CONSTITUTES EMERGENCY REPAIRS? Section 214 of the RTRA Act states that emergency repairs include: – a burst water service or a serious water service leak; – a blocked or broken lavatory system; – a serious roof leak; – a gas leak; – a dangerous electrical fault; – flooding or serious flood damage;serious storm, fire or impactRead More →

Contributed By: HiRUM Software Solutions on

Don’t Underestimate The Impact Of Guest Reviews In the competitive hospitality market, online hotel reviews have become a VERY important component of a traveler’s decision-making process when deciding where to stay. Marketers are adroit at presenting a property in its best light. The actual worth of a travel experience cannot always be determined by the expectations set by beautiful photos and clever marketing campaigns. Guest Reviews provide a greater insight into the guest’s actual experience and add credibility and proof to the promises advertised. In fact, reviews have become such an important insight into guest experience, that a recent ‘Trust You’ study found that aRead More →

Contributed By: REIQ on

The new Queensland tenancy laws coming into effect on 1 October 2022 largely replicate domestic and family violence provisions introduced in 2021.  Property managers should always exercise caution when dealing with tenants who are experiencing domestic and family violence.  Some key points of the legislation include: – The affected tenant may choose to either leave or stay at the property and, if they stay, they are entitled to change locks.  – If the tenant believes they can no longer safely stay at the property, they can choose to leave and end their interest in the tenancy.  – They must give you the prescribed form – FormRead More →

Contributed By: RTA on

The majority of tenancies run to the end date and beyond, but when a tenant or property owner’s circumstances change, the tenancy agreement may have to end earlier than expected. When a fixed term agreement is ended before the end date without grounds (i.e without sufficient reason), this is a break lease situation and compensation may need to be paid. The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) encourages parties to communicate their intention to end the agreement as early as practicable for the best outcome. If the tenant ends a fixed term agreement early, they may have to pay compensation for loss of rent until the tenancyRead More →


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