Real Estate (Page 11)

Contributed By: Smiljan Jankovic - Archer Gowland Redshaw on

Whether you’ve newly purchased or have a well-established operation, preparing your Management Rights business for sale is an important scenario to consider in the back of your mind. It’s highly likely as a business owner, you will look to sell at some stage, therefore being informed about what you may need to prepare is an important step in the process. Preparing your Management Rights business for sale is not something that can be done overnight. It is a process that you need to be consciously thinking about from the very beginning when you have first purchased your business, and will often need to be re-evaluated.Read More →

Contributed By: Paul Malone RUM Support on

Since retirement, I mentor clients in Set Up & Induction for caretaker/letting assignments.I focus on skills Gaps  specific to a specific Community Titles Scheme CTS. I have developed a generic online Knowledge Base:  It: draws upon “in the trenches” experience as a service provider; is rich in shared best practice insights/graphics that can inspire, motivate and empower; complements elearning in cloud based business productivity platforms including web design;  gives comfort to a CTS committee as to “performance potential”. Group Dynamics:Content is offered under a Creative Commons license.No login is required.  Anyone with a personal Gmail account or Google Workspace (formally Gsuite) subscription can access and begin self paced applicationCollaborators can edit/modify contentIndustry wide training interventionRead More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

We have received a lot of feedback recently from our managers that Premier Sales Upgrades on are very expensive (well, yes, no kidding!). There’s 4 reasons for this: Firstly, yes, Premier upgrades are the top level of upgrade and so they command a top level price. This can be problematic when you’re an onsite manager selling low-cost product like half million dollar apartments and competing with agents selling five million dollar houses. Secondly, a lot of franchise agents are on Premier All plans. These make premier listings orders-of-magnitude cheaper for such agents – and again when they are raking in fifty grand in commissionRead More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

We’re currently assisting a large number of hotels and resorts fill their lease-backs with short term tenancies to help keep them afloat. I put together this video to take our new users through the process of advertising a rental. This video is aimed at first-time users but veterans will also find some valuable information in here as well.Read More →