Motels and Hospitality

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

Titans of Management Rights, Steven West and Marisa Millane have joined forced to create a Management Rights training institute: Ottro Management Rights Academy. Set up with the goal of providing entrants with the skillset necessary to flourish within Queensland’s highly unique management rights industry. It’s a bold, ground-breaking, and much needed venture to help upskill those who seek to work within this vibrant and exciting industry. Watch the introduction video to find out more or go to . Enrol today!Read More →

Does that bulletin title put the shivers up your spine or what ! The statement is mostly delivered with a feeling of foreboding by someone you love, fear, admire, respect…… whatever. When I hear it from the managing director, I assume a dire transgression and very very unpleasant consequences, even when I can’t recall doing anything wrong. My brain moves immediately to a state of terrified guilt from which I have no chance of countering the discussion to come. And that’s a shame because we really do need to talk. In this age of digital communication, I reckon we’ve lost the ancient art of effectiveRead More →

Think management rights is beyond your financial reach? A syndicate may be your ticket in. Management rights newcomers Craig and Danielle Dunne used a syndicate to enter the industry to operate three of Yeppoon’s best properties. Here’s how they did it. Growing up on a cattle property west of Yeppoon, the idea of operating a management rights business was not on Craig Dunne’s horizon. The 35-year-old became a sparky straight out of school and fell into work as a fly-in-fly-out electrician at mining sites in Queensland. The prospect of running a hotel just wasn’t in his frame. “I had a good trade background but wasRead More →

As some of you may know I am a late arrival to the pastime of snow sports. It’s not that I haven’t always had an interest in skiing, mountains and snow. It’s just that when you are married with two kids, trying to pay off a mortgage and living pretty much week to week the prospect of mixing it with the snow resort jet set seems one hell of a stretch. Of course, travel brochures are free so who says you can’t dream? Anyway, in my advancing years and with the kids off our hands (are they ever really thus?) the managing director and I,Read More →

There’s nothing fishy about odour control solutions for your complex. Be it a holiday or permanent complex, having a reliable, discreet, affordable odour management system in place will make your complex as fresh as a daisy and as a caretaker, you’ll smell like roses to your committee. Actualised Industries are a proud Australian company whose founders have worked in management rights themselves and understand how important their products are for onsite managers. I sat down with Russel Beeston, the CEO this week, to see him demonstrate some of his products and systems first-hand. They are impressive, rugged, and compact. All the fragrances he has sourcedRead More → have just signed a new deal with LittleHinges to unlock MASSIVE savings on photography packages. We can now offer a Virtual Tour, Floor Plan and 8 Still images for *JUST* $220+GST. A huge reduction from the $320+GST that was previously available. Book your virtual tour, floorplan and photoshoot here: I am frequently getting calls from managers telling me they ran a 15 minute open on a 2 bedroom unit and 47 people showed up to inspect it. Cut through the time wasters, and cut down on the number of people showing up at your open homes – with a virtual tour prospects can take theirRead More →

Contributed By: ARAMA on

If you came into the business of management and letting rights (MLR) because you saw an attractive balance sheet but have solely focused on the maintenance of gardens and not on the importance of marketing, then you have not set down the road for success. Our business is referred to as ‘Management and Letting Rights’ for a reason. That is the resident manager has a dual role as both a caretaking service provider and an onsite letting agent. This dual role  provides an opportunity to market services to a number of different target markets.   To define, a target market ‘is a group of existingRead More →

Contributed By: By Michael Gapes, Partner, Carter Newell Lawyers and Peter Lynch, Sales Manager, Aon Risk Services Australia Ltd on

The importance of maintenance for Resident Unit Managers For resident unit managers (RUMs), maintaining a site in good order is just one of the tasks you have on hand, and undoubtedly one of the most important ones. A poorly maintained property can lead to dissatisfied clients, and potentially costly litigation. Let’s take a look at what can happen when maintenance is not carried out to an appropriate standard, and what resident unit managers need to keep in mind when appointing contractors.… Tommy* was a resident unit manager looking after a holiday apartment complex in a popular tourist destination. He received an online booking from Lily*,Read More →

Contributed By: HiRUM Software Solutions on

A specialist marketing service for accommodation providers of all shapes and sizes With discussion evolving around more international travel bubbles opening, what are you doing now to ensure the domestic travel market continues to stay with you? Some accommodation providers are currently experiencing high occupancy, but have you thought ahead to when the domestic goldmine is diluted by international appeal? As travel options continue to progress it is important to understand what you can be doing today to ensure these high occupancy rates continue tomorrow. The way people shop, buy and book has changed, meaning having an effective digital presence is key to ensure youRead More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

We were forwarded an interesting proclamation from the garrulous folks at AccomProperties this week stating rather spuriously their website was achieving “record sales activity”, and conflating this with a misleading side-by-side graphic of our site which apparently “speaks for itself”. They had of course rated themselves A and us F based on a mysterious “G.T. Metrix”… Now look, I love a good Gin & Tonic as much as the next guy, and I’m sure it’s a great metrix on a hot summer’s day (keeps the malaria away after all) but I wouldn’t be measuring my website’s performance as an effective marketing portal on a G.T.Read More →