General Interest (Page 17)

Contributed By: Hynes Legal on

We don’t like being negative nellies, but sometimes we do need to talk about the things that go wrong in these newsletters. Alan Greenspan (the then Federal Reserve Chairman in the USA) coined the famous phrase ‘irrational exuberance’ in relation to the dot-com bubble of the late 1990’s, but it could apply to any boom since (and before – even back to the tulip boom of the 1600’s.) If you were to Australianise that phrase it would be along the lines of something being ‘too silly for words’. It is not for a lawyer to talk about risk when it comes to valuations / asset pricing asRead More →

We have all been there!! Looking for a house to buy in any chosen location and we come across a nice looking property. Right location, well-constructed, nice paintwork, lovely grounds. Looks likely. Wait a minute…. Why are there four ‘To Sell’ signs attached to the front fence from four different real estate agents? Before we know it, despite the many positives about this property, a question mark hovers overhead. If the property looks the part, how is it that between four selling agents it has not yet sold? Of course nothing need be amiss. The property could well be perfect. However that question mark hoveringRead More →

Body corporate insurance is arguably the most important aspect of building management, but when it comes to using it, it can be difficult to understand what’s covered and what’s not. The basic principle of strata insurance is to provide cover for common property and the building’s structure. This means that the body corporate is responsible for all common areas and the structural elements of the building. Owners are typically responsible for the internal contents of their unit. There are some circumstances where the body corporate can provide cover for internal fixtures if they are classified as part of the building’s structure. For example, if an owner’s hot water systemRead More →

Contributed By: SSKB Strata Managers on

There is an entrenched belief in the industry that property market trends in Sydney and Melbourne tend to precede activity in the Queensland markets. The market in Brisbane and the Gold Coast has historically seen an upturn in property sales volumes as the southern markets ‘overheat’ and property values increase to the point where they are no longer seen as sustainable or affordable. Property investors then turn to markets where they perceive greater prospect of capital growth and return is available. However at the moment we are seeing strength in the apartment markets of Sydney, NSW; Melbourne, Victoria and southern QLD in both Brisbane andRead More →

A couple of years ago, someone put me onto this little-known app called Netflix. Within about 15 minutes of having my TV connected to Netflix, I picked up the phone, called Foxtel, and cancelled my subscription on the spot… the $9.95 a month account that I’d opened on Netflix offered thousands of hours of on-demand, commercial-free entertainment, and had instantly removed the need for my $100 a month, ad-ridden, rerun-filled Foxtel account, forever. I’ve never looked back. These businesses are called disruptive innovators, or disruptors. They don’t create new markets they simply evolve existing markets and cause a disruption to the existing businesses trading inRead More →

Contributed By: TheOnsiteManager on

Winward Apartments Mooloolaba. Think Management Rights Team would like to congratulate the new managers of Winward Apartments Mooloolaba Neville and Gloria Dyne. Neville and Gloria have extensive experience in Hospitality and administration and bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Management Rights Industry and are looking forward to the challenge with the assistance of the Wayne & Linda Stoll and the Think Management Rights team with a combined 50 years of experience and knowledge. We would like to personally thank Wayne & Linda in assisting us finding the right property, once we briefed the TMR team they then worked diligently with us andRead More →

I write this month’s missive at 40,000 feet returning from across the ditch after a series of pretty successful management rights seminars in New Zealand. Aeroplanes are great places to write these articles as there is bugger all else to do and just how many re – runs of Two and A Half Men can one man watch anyway ? The Kiwis seem keen enough about Aussie management rights and certainly the exchange rate is very tempting having improved dramatically over the past year. Interest rates still look a bit high in NZ and the question everyone asks is “what’s happening with the Australian domesticRead More →

Contributed By: Resort Brokers on

By Shane Wynhoven Australia’s east coast has traditionally been a hotspot for tourism.  But when the Australian dollar hits record highs, it weakens both our domestic and international tourism markets.  Thankfully, the Aussie dollar is coming down. In global terms, Australia is considered to be a premium travel package.  It is a long way to travel for most, at considerable expense.  And when tourists arrive, they are met with even higher travel costs. So, when the Aussie dollar peaks, heading ‘down under’ becomes a less attractive holiday option for the international traveller.  With our South East Asian neighbours offering far better value for money, weRead More →

As a Finance Broker we sometimes are asked why do we get paid a commission from the bank and why would I go to a broker when I can source finance myself. I want to dismiss some of the myths around engaging a Finance Broker and explain what the positives are in engaging a reputable Finance Broking company. I suppose it’s a bit like Management Rights where the onsite Manager is paid an income to do a job. If you fulfil this role in a professional manner and educate your owners along the way, why would an owner go to someone else to manage theirRead More →