General Interest (Page 8)

Contributed By: Aisha Thomas - Archer Gowland Redshaw on

In the wake of the recent Optus Hacking impacting millions of Australians, data security and protecting yourself and your business against cyber fraud has never been more top of mind. For business owners, it is vitally important that personal and business information remains secure in the event of any cyber incident – especially when dealing with customers’ confidential information. In our latest Insights article, we highlight important steps business owners can take to protect themselves against cyber fraud and limit access to sensitive information when dealing online. Important Action Items for Business Owners At leadership level, there are several action items that business owners can undertake toRead More →

Contributed By: Claire Ryan - REIQ on

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) is launching a bold brand identity today that reflects the exciting evolution of the state’s peak body for real estate professionals and sets it up for the next hundred years. REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella said over the past 104 years, the REIQ had proudly served its members and fearlessly represented and advocated on behalf of the state’s real estate profession, all while strategically planning and investing to strengthen this resolve. “While the REIQ name is well-known and is associated with a high level of trust and integrity, we felt our brand no longer matched the progressive path we’veRead More →

Contributed By: Mike Phipps Finance on

The managing director and I have today witnessed a rare and unusual event. While sitting in the departure lounge at Queenstown we observe what appears to be a group of fare paying passengers boarding a Jetstar flight and actually taking off. Of course, we have no way of knowing if the flight is on schedule or the umpteenth rescheduled attempt. Given recent stories regarding experiences with Jetstar I’m betting on option B. Here’s a recent review from a colleague who, because he is careful with his money (polite definition for tight arse) has been a loyal and long suffering Jetstar customer: We were in BaliRead More →

THE Awards 2022 was a resounding success and everyone had a fantastic evening. A special thanks to our sponsors: HiRUM, Schindlers Lifts Australia, McAdam Siemon Accountants and Mike Phipps Finance for making the event possible. Here’s the professional images from the evening. We can’t wait to see you all next year!Read More →

Contributed By: ARAMA on

ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MAXIMS for anyone working in Management and Letting Rights is that to be in the hospitality industry you have to be hospitable – likewise to be in the service industry you have to provide good service. That’s the mantra of Michael Cross, who with his wife Karen, took out this year’s TOP Award as Building Managers of the Year for the amazing work they do at the Gold Coast’s Dorchester on The Beach. The Top Awards made for a phenomenal night with close to 300 guests sitting down to a gala dinner at the Brisbane City Hall – a beautiful location that looked absolutelyRead More →

Contributed By: Mike Phipps Finance on

Let me start by acknowledging the many readers who sent me life affirming messages following reports of the debacle that was my recent cycling trip to Switzerland. A recurring theme has emerged. It seems that the prospect of me never travelling again has concerned a great many of you. The consensus is that if I curtail all future travel then the chances of misadventure become limited, resulting in less amusing stories to tell. Put simply, it would seem that a good laugh at my expense is the preferred option. Well, fear not, I am back on the horse and write this month’s reflections from InRead More →

Contributed By: ARAMA on

Ian & Maree Smith – Hidden Grove & Vista on Brays2022 ARAMA TOP Awards WINNER for Resident Manager of the Year – Long Stay Accommodation Who is involved in the daily running’s of your business?Ian and I are both very hands on in our business. Ian focuses on maintenance, and I focus on the property management/sales side of the business. However, we both support each other daily. Depending on the day we step in to help each other regularly. Ian is very good withtenants and my hedging skills are not too bad either. However, I have been known to make a good hedging mess andRead More →

Contributed By: Mike Phipps Finance on

As always, I have decided what to write about this month. That’s pretty much as far as I usually get before writer’s block sets in and I resort to Google for an appropriate opening quote. It always works but not today! The word Sustainable has been hijacked by the woke, the deluded and the thought police and must now only be used in the context of saving the world. All manner of sustainable practices and definitions pop up, mostly meaningless motherhood statements and sadly none addressing infinite population growth on a finite ball of spinning rock. In my mind sustainability is the concept of maintainingRead More →

ResortBrokers Sunshine Coast team has racked up $44 million in Management Rights’ sales in the area in the past financial year alone, including a number of high-profile record deals.Brokers Glenn Millar and Chenoa Daniel sold 26 Management Rights – averaging one every two weeks – and the Sunshine Coast surge shows no signs of waning.Notable sales with total combined asset sales of $ 18,389,770 and total combined real estate (within the sales) – $6,100,000 include: Noosa Pacific – Prime Waterfront Resort – Noosaville51 units in complexSale Price $7,823m – record price for a manager’s unit and record multiplier for Noosaville Maison Noosa – Absolute BeachfrontRead More →

Contributed By: ARAMA on

United we stand, divided we fight! FOR everyone involved in the business of Management and Letting Rights an important maxim is to concentrate on the things that unite us, rather than those that divide us. Because most ARAMA members work and live on-site in close proximity, they are often the target of people’s frustrations, and it can be a very stressful environment. Resident managers are there to create harmony, and not disharmony, but neighbourhood battles can be so toxic that Queensland had to introduce the Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011. This was designed to overcome the increasing prevalence of neighbours in theRead More →