Nick Buick (Page 7)

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

Since I was involuntarily thrust into this industry 15 years ago, I have long concluded, and thus argued that onsite managers make ideal candidates for investment property management. Onsite Managers live on site (ya don’t say, Nick?) and have invested on site so they have a vested interest in ensuring quality tenants are selected for the property. They keep maintenance costs low without the need for costly call-out fees for basic issues. They know the building intimately, being privy to the body corporate committee’s wishes and also the rental demand inside the complex and the area as a whole. A good onsite manager, armed withRead More →

The interim orders in Watermark Residences [2020] QBCCMCmr 306 provides some relief for bodies corporate that held virtual general meetings during the COVID-19 restrictions. In summary: The body corporate called an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to agree on the matters that needed to be decided at a general meeting. To meet COVID-19 social distancing restrictions the committee decided to conduct the EGM without physical attendance. There were some other minor deficiencies with how the EGM was called, and was to be held, that did not strictly comply with the legislative requirements of holding meetings. A group of owners sought to invalidate the EGM based on the failureRead More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

In response to COVID-19, is running a heck of a promotion right now where they guarantee that ANY upgraded listing (be it a sale or rental) that hasn’t filled by the conclusion of the upgrade term, can be re-upgraded again, absolutely free. I sent a mass email out about this to all of our managers a couple of weeks ago and so far, maybe 2 managers, have taken advantage of this offer. Which I find astonishing! It’s literally completely free, and instant. All you have to do is say the word. We upgrade hundreds of listings per month for managers, so for only 2-3%Read More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

Dear Nick, I just finished uploading all my images and they look awful. They are all sideways and cropped strangely and dark and out of focus. What am I doing wrong? This is, indeed, a very familiar email/telephone call that I receive from managers quite often. And after viewing the images in question, my response is as follows:Read More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

Dear Nick, I just received a 1Form application. How do I view it? I don’t know my password, I don’t know my username, it keeps telling me it wants me to ‘verify’. Please help I need to see this application ASAP!Kind Regards,Every Onsite Manager I get that email (often in less conversational tones and language not suitable for this family blog) at least half a dozen times per day… every single day. Setting up 1Form is a tedious process and I feel your pain! Every manager is sent an instruction pack that explains this process when they join our agency, but by the time theyRead More →

Contributed By: Real Estate Institute of Queensland on

As the owner of an investment property in Queensland, if you are not already aware of the Palaszczuk Government’s proposed Special COVID-19 Protections for residential tenants and landlords, The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) wants to ensure you understand them. As the peak body for real estate in Queensland, we support the need for tenant protection during COVID-19 however, we are fundamentally opposed to some of the proposed measures. You should be too. As a landlord, you will ultimately foot the bill if the following proposals are introduced: Your tenant/s will NOT have to pay back any rent. Put simply, a rent reduction negotiatedRead More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

We’re currently assisting a large number of hotels and resorts fill their lease-backs with short term tenancies to help keep them afloat. I put together this video to take our new users through the process of advertising a rental. This video is aimed at first-time users but veterans will also find some valuable information in here as well.Read More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

Last week I met (virtually) with the Brisbane based software development start-up, Hutly (formerly known as Igloo) responsible for the development of a system called One Touch for RealWorks. They gave me a pre-launch preview of One Touch to discuss its suitability for our onsite managers. I was impressed and excited by what I saw, and am convinced this will rapidly become the industry standard for tenancy agreements. In an Australian first, this incredible system allows, at no cost, tenancy agreements to be issued and signed digitally. Once a lease agreement has been completed by the onsite manager in RealWorks, they send this to theRead More →

Contributed By: Patrick Bell FNX FInance on

Patrick Bell from FNX Finance has released his 9th series snapshot based on database. His analysis below: Management Rights For Sale – Market Analysis January 2020 Letting Pool Coverage – proportion of the total units to those within the Pool. Agreement Coverage – refers to % of total agreement term available upon purchase.Read More →