General Interest (Page 11)

The secret to driving up your Trip Advisor ranking up is by getting your most satisfied guests to post a review. If you don’t have an automated feedback system that allows quick responses back to the guest, a senior person such as the FOM should be writing back to these guest via a well as a written email, providing the link to your Trip Advisor Page and offering personal assistance with their next stay. Out of 10 guests that you will email a follow-up thank-you and suggestion to post a review, about 3 or 4 will actually post because you have simply asked the question.Read More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

Our 2019 Industry Recommended Professional program has now commenced. All managers are encouraged to nominate your Industry Recommended Professional across 6 fields of expertise. As per last year, the winners across each category will receive the much coveted Industry Excellence Award at our awards night happening later in the year. This year we have 6 fields of expertise: Legal; Accounting; Brokers; Relief Management; Body Corporate Management and Finance. All professionals who receive nominations will be prioritised on the website and of course will proudly display the Industry Recommended Professional decal on their profile. Last year’s event saw many fields hotly contested and often single votes tippedRead More →

Contributed By: Resort Brokers on

Industry experts will field questions from guests eager to pursue opportunities in the Management Rights sector at a gathering to be presented by ResortBrokers on the Gold Coast at the end of April. Designed to assist newcomers to the industry, the ‘Management Rights Made Easy’ evening will be the latest in a long-running program of popular events conducted by ResortBrokers in the coastal tourism and lifestyle hotspot. Hosted at the Arundel offices of accommodation software specialist Hirum, the event gathers industry experts from various professions to share their extensive experience. New and intending building managers will enjoy quizzing the specialists in a relaxed forum thatRead More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

2018 was the maiden year of our Industry Recommended Professional program – an initiative where we ask our ~420 onsite managers around the country to nominate the best-of-industry suppliers across a range of categories. The purpose of this program is to identify industry suppliers operating at the highest levels of integrity and merit. Any supplier displaying an Industry Recommended Professional decal can be regarded as coming highly recommended by onsite managers, themselves. Last Friday, the 19th of October we held our inaugural Industry Recommended Professional Awards Night where we tallied up ALL the nominations, identified the industry suppliers with the MOST nominations in each category,Read More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

Industry newcomer AccomProperties are making some fairly outlandish claims about their web portal of late. I came across this rather amusing banner-ad while browsing the internet recently: Of the 2 line heading, they managed to squeeze 2 arguably false claims into their ad… I’m actually impressed – but not in a good way. Claim 1: is “…Australia’s Leading Management Rights Portal…” That’s a mighty big claim for a website that’s been around for what… 18 months? To inject some reality back into the discussion: our management rights portal has been operational since 2005, turns over ~1 million dollars a year, logs over 25,000 visits perRead More →

Contributed By: Nick Buick on

We are thrilled to be hosting our first ever industry night on the 19th of October 2018. This will be a black tie affair where the winners of our Industry Recommended Professional program are announced and receive their industry excellence awards for 2018. The event is scheduled for Friday October the 19th in Cloudland’s exclusive Heritage Room (Capacity for 200 guests). It’s a spectacular venue and we’ve organised an open bar, light food, DJ, door prizes and give-aways, and of course a great chance to meet and mingle with your fellow onsite managers and industry associates. So far over half of our managers tickets haveRead More →

Contributed By: Resort Brokers on

ACCOMMODATION business and property owners in Far North Queensland are taking advantage of buoyant market conditions to sell or trade up, say industry experts. The Cairns office of specialist commercial agency Resort Brokers Australia has settled 18 FNQ accommodation and hospitality property and business sales in the past year, said national sales manager Trudy Crooks. “Robust tourism growth is fuelling opportunities across the region, resulting in high levels of activity and strong demand for accommodation operations,” she said. “Our local office has transacted more than $22.5 million worth of property in 12 months.” In response, Resort Brokers Australia has recruited North Queensland business consultant andRead More →

I frequently speak with managers who are frustrated by the standard of service offered up by so-called specialists in Management Rights, who in reality, have limited experience and knowledge of this industry and result in unnecessary professional fees and cost blowouts. Existing “industry accreditation programs” appear to me as little more than pay-for-play operations that exist purely to sell magazine advertising, where anyone can be ‘accredited’ if they simply open their chequebook. This doesn’t help our industry, in my opinion, as such we have set out to develop a program that has complete financial independence and is entirely merit based, as measured by the managementRead More →

Contributed By: Mike Phipps Finance on

For those of you who may still think the photo I use in some articles is current, it is not. The look of shock on some faces when we first meet suggests that it might be time to update said image and nothing confirms my retreat into older age more than recent events.  Yes, it’s true.  The managing director and I have purchased a caravan.  But Mike, you’re too young I hear you cry.  Nonsense, the MD may be too young, child bride that she was, but I am certainly age qualified. In fact, I know of several other industry specialists who call something onRead More →

Your trust account and the way you operate it is your lifeline. When dealing with thousands of dollars there are 2 types of people. 1) Honest 2) Dishonest There is no in between. As a managing agent, landlords are trusting you to handle their income with honesty and integrity. After many years in the industry, I have performed end of months with as little as $2000 in the trust account and as great as $200 000 in the account. Each time the money, system and process were treated exactly the same……with care. One property or 1500 properties, each state of Australia has regulations and rules inRead More →